Информация об изделии:
It is used for visual inspecon of the vaginal mucosa and cervix and for performing diagnosc and therapeuc procedures with taking samples for analysis in hospitals and clinics.
Features: the kit includes
A vaginal mirror according to Cuzco (with a rotary latch) size S, M, L - 1 pc.
The spatula is bilateral, gynecological Eyra - 1 pc.
Gloves viewing latex p. M - 1 pair
Lining napkin made of non-woven material - 1 pc. Cytological brush
“Tserveks-Brush” - 1 pc.
Cytological cervical brush - 1 pc.
For single use
The set is made of special materials that do not cause the development of allergic reacons
Expiraon date - 3 years