Nourishing nasogastric probe
Application area:

for Gastroenterology

The lineup:

Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 400mm Ch/Fr 4
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 400mm Ch/Fr 5
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 400mm Ch/Fr 6
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 400mm Ch/Fr 8
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 1200mm Ch/Fr 10
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 1200mm Ch/Fr 12
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 1200mm Ch/Fr 14
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 1200mm Ch/Fr 16
Single-use sterile nasogastric feeding tube size 1200mm Ch/Fr 18

Информация об изделии:

It is an ideal soluon for the enteral nutrion of paents who cannot independently eat, and the introducon of drugs. The enteral nutrion probe is excellent for nasal administraon; it is inserted through the mouth or nose.
The distal end of the probe is carefully machined and rounded to ensure atraumac placement
Connector color marking in accordance with ISO internaonal standard
For single use
Made of transparent implantaon-non-toxic polyvinyl chloride
Open distal end
Two side holes Luer connector with cover
Calibraon of the depth of introducon:
On a feeding probe 1200 mm - 500 mm, 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm, 900 mm from the distal end;
On a feeding probe 400 mm - 150 mm, 160 mm, 170 mm from the distal end;
Expiraon date - 5 years